REDcast Episode 1:
MuggleNet's network sites, (Daniel, (Rupert and (Emma, have all teamed up for a new podcast about the trio. REDcast will bring you each month's news, gossip, rumours and more on Rupert, Emma and Dan.So, join Jenna, Claire and - everyone's favourite - Ben Schoen, for our podcast debut. Episode 1 is now available for direct download. Be sure to check out the website for information on each show, details of contacting us, how to send us your voicemails and more.Please note: REDcast is not yet available on iTunes but should be tomorrow or the following day.
Luna hopefuls down to 400:

'Goblet' DVD cover and rear artwork:
Some high-res images of the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire DVD (in several formats) have surfaced on DVDActive:
- Single cover
- Single rear
- Widescreen cover
- Two-disc special cover
- Two-disc cover
- Two-disc rear
- Eight-disc widescreen cover and spine
- Eight-disc widescreen cover
- Eight-disc widescreen rear

Single Cover Single Rear

Two-Disk Front Cover Two-Disk Rear Cover

Two-Disk Special Edition Front Two-Disk Special Edition Rear

Eight-Disk Widescreen Front Eight-Disk Widescreen Rear

Eight-Disk Widescreen Side